Thursday, November 30, 2006
At 1, went to Raffles Place to watch Nava and her friends just finish lunch. Got introduced to some of them, XH's boyfriend included =P. We proceeded to Marks and Spencers to disturb one of Nava's classmates who was working there. After many women's lingerie and men's underwear jokes, Nava and me saw them off at the MRT and stopped at Starbucks for a drink, while we waited for Nadiah. Not only did I accquire the wrong beverage, I think I was conned into paying FIVE TWENTY for what tastes like lukewarm Milo dinosaur. Someday, I will open up a cafe called SCAMBUCKS and give my concoctions exotic names like Expresso Latte Chocolate when in truth, it is merely Milo with foam. Had some girly talk with Nava till Nadiah came and we trained to Jurong East Station. We all got annoyed with waiting for the eternity to arrive shuttle bus and walked there instead. Drank mushroom soup as Nadiah and Nava enjoyed tauhu goreng and some char siu mee dish. Shopped for a bit before heading to Secret Recipes to eat salad which I shared with Nadiah. And I think I got scammed again. Mayhap I should start learning how to prepare and cook my own dishes. Was going to walk to the bus-stop with them when we noticed it was pouring outside. Nadiah kindly showed me to the shuttle bus pick up point and I waited for another 45 minutes before the JE bus came. Ironically enough, the buses to Clementi and Boon Lay came before it.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Casino Royale
Wasted the day sleeping and then...CASINO ROYALE! Joseph came late (as usual); perhaps I should buy him a timepiece for his birthday the next time. Entered the cinema late and was a little to surprised to see the sparse audience peppered randomly. Could have chosen better seats but decided to sit back and relax the show. It had all the ingredients of a James Bond Movie: hot girls, cool gadgets, thrilling chases, stylish villians and an added bonus. A Bond who can actually act! I watched Goldeneye the day before yesterday to conclude that Pierce Brosnan is but a handsome face. The free-running sequence at the construction site was explosive! Try picturing a guy climbing up a construction beam with his bare hands several stories high, and traversing an "obstacle course" with the ease of walking. Wish the ending tied up more of the loose ends instead of finishing with "Bond. James Bond", but I guess, it leaves room for a sequel. Maybe I can emulate Sebastian Foucan and attempt jumping over railings and stuff...
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
More CIP
gOpen up box with penknife. Retrieve wares. Pack wares into Goody Bag. Make Goody Bag Compact. Pack Goody Bag into Box. Seal Box. Shift Box.
Repeat 1012 times.
But this is meaningful, because I'm doing it out of the kindness of my own bleedin' heart =P.
Repeat 1012 times.
But this is meaningful, because I'm doing it out of the kindness of my own bleedin' heart =P.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Sort of got lost at the Singapore General Hospital Campus before I came to the packing place. I saw Ash's brother for the first time! They didn't really alike save for the eyes but it was sure as hell amusing to see them interacting. Met some new RJC people but didn't really talk to them much cus I was thrown into the thick of counting satchels of chocolate drinks. Hek Bing and Joshua seem like nice, easily amused fellows so I think there shouldn't be much of a problem talking to them. My lethargy and semi-conscious state was clearly not conducive for counting purposes and I lost the numbers when Wei Yi arrived. Together, we counted the 400 satchels TWICE and I reliquished saying the numbers altogether as I was beginning to forget. Lunch followed and then. it was back to packing, packing and more packing. Puva and me were hauled up to the office to cut coupons by Mrs Teo, the SNEC person in charge. It was a mind-numbing job and when the silences were drawn out thin and long, I had to interject some witty comment before I suffocated in it. Wei Yi came over despite the rain to deliver the T-shirts just as we finished cutting the coupons. Had a while to discuss about JC life and our plans for university before Mrs Teo returned and hustled us back to the packing place to double check the number of T-shirts. Mrs Teo is a patient, kind woman but I would appreciate if she was more decisive. She kept on oscillating from one decision to the next, keeping us on tenterhooks and wearing our patience thin. At 4.15 it was time for some briefing which I skipped due to persistent lassitude and low levels of awareness of surroundings. On the way home, I bought a T-shirt and got my hair layered. My head feels so much lighter now and no, its not the alcohol working its magic :P.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Back from Beijing

Out of 5 stars, I would give this trip 3 and a half. Gorged myself on dirt-cheap dumplings, sweet and sour fish, Peking Duck, gelato, bird's nest and other delicious food stuff. The places of

Beijing is larger than 2 Singapores; a journey from the North to South can clock 2 hours worth of travelling time on a bad day. You can see bicycles everywhere you turn and on an unrelated note, I think everyone who drives can try stunt driving. It would be nice to see more greenery though but that's just the Singaporean in me feeling jingoistic. Didn't get to buy any T-shirts because all the clothes

Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Fencing Chalet
Day 1 or 3 depending on how you look at it
At 7 ish, the mahjong khakis were still awake, not that they actually slept though. They left in Pet's car and there were only 3 people left. Kaye, Pok and me settled for a snooze and for the first time in several days, we had a truly quiet moment. I told Kaye and Pok to go off at 12-ish if they wanted to since Darren said he would come at 2. As it turned out, I spent 2 and a half hours watching a mind-numbing mixture of Kids Central cack and Channel NewsAsia. No wonder they say kids have no creativity these days... A tirade of doorbell rings heralded the arrival of Terence and JX. I had some zzzz time again while they went to the Yatch Club to attempt to steal a boat (not kidding here). Was roused by some loud tapping on the window and guess WHO? It was JX and Terence. Darren came at FOUR and together we watched more Guiness Book of Records. Before that, I showed him the kitchen which smelt as though someone or something died inside. In case you wonder why the turnout was so dismal, it was cus not many people knew about it. In fact, the turnout was so dismal I didn't bother to take photos. Took bus to Tampines Mall and along the way, everyone save me was plagued by Alvin's phone calls and queries. Maybe he was trying to set a world record for most number of phone calls in an hour. Dined at Aijisen and was disturbed verbally by almost everyone excluding Darren. Even two small kids sitting to the tables front and behind had to join in. But JX stole the toy car of one for a moment :P. Played air hockey and decided I really suck at arcade games. Felt lethargic and oddly melancholic hence I left the arcade bunch for home.
At 7 ish, the mahjong khakis were still awake, not that they actually slept though. They left in Pet's car and there were only 3 people left. Kaye, Pok and me settled for a snooze and for the first time in several days, we had a truly quiet moment. I told Kaye and Pok to go off at 12-ish if they wanted to since Darren said he would come at 2. As it turned out, I spent 2 and a half hours watching a mind-numbing mixture of Kids Central cack and Channel NewsAsia. No wonder they say kids have no creativity these days... A tirade of doorbell rings heralded the arrival of Terence and JX. I had some zzzz time again while they went to the Yatch Club to attempt to steal a boat (not kidding here). Was roused by some loud tapping on the window and guess WHO? It was JX and Terence. Darren came at FOUR and together we watched more Guiness Book of Records. Before that, I showed him the kitchen which smelt as though someone or something died inside. In case you wonder why the turnout was so dismal, it was cus not many people knew about it. In fact, the turnout was so dismal I didn't bother to take photos. Took bus to Tampines Mall and along the way, everyone save me was plagued by Alvin's phone calls and queries. Maybe he was trying to set a world record for most number of phone calls in an hour. Dined at Aijisen and was disturbed verbally by almost everyone excluding Darren. Even two small kids sitting to the tables front and behind had to join in. But JX stole the toy car of one for a moment :P. Played air hockey and decided I really suck at arcade games. Felt lethargic and oddly melancholic hence I left the arcade bunch for home.
Class Chalet: The BBQ

Awoke to see the trio returning and Phil watching TV. Not much action from then till 12ish as

The Ubin trip was pretty fun; we encountered RI Red Cross (I randomly shouted out to some guy if he was from RI) and someone flipped over in a mishap. Zooming down the slopes was

When we touched down on the mainland, JH and Kang Rui ran to the light the fire as the rest of us strolled leisurely back. I managed to get some candid photos of certain individuals ;). At the chalet, the rest of the lot with several other arrivals were watching the Guiness World Records featuring a man drilling nails

We headed to Changi Village, leaving behind JH as he was down with fever. Poor chap. Code named "Hersheys" (meant to sou

Class Chalet: The Arrival
A Chronological Account
Day 1
The chalet was nice, big and spacious! Extremely conducive for noise making and tom-foolery! It was more of a group chalet as only Kang Rui, Ching Ting, Philana, Jung, Jun How and me
were present. We alternated from playing bridge to watching TV to bumming on the king size bed while the laptop hoggers shot aliens and exercised their fingers with O2 Jam. Later, Pam and Kaye came, bringing with them, more glorious food (Packets of Instant Mee and M &
Ms)! We watched TV for a bit before watching "My Sassy Girl" on Jung's laptop. It was pretty funny but the sleepy me couldn't quite take it and so went to crash. I realised how thin the chalet walls were when I slept in the furthest bedroom with the door shut and I could hear the characters speaking as clearly as though they were in the same room. Woke up in the evening to the smell of boiled instant mee and clearly, it was dinner time! Played more bridge, watched more TV and I decided to make up for the lack of house work I do; I washed most of the dishes!
Pam, Kaye and Jung left later in the night so the remaining 5 of us bummed on the bed, getting into mini-pillow fights, playing Truth or Dare and talking about anything under the sun. Phil got really zonked halfway and went to bed and I followed suit shortly after. The 3 of them played Monopoly an made such racket that Phil shooed them out of the room with a gracefully raised index finger. While we were slumbering, they went to Changi Village and that is all I can say because I did not go with them and so I will let the pictures speak for me :).
What They Did

Romantic Sunrise....
Day 1
The chalet was nice, big and spacious! Extremely conducive for noise making and tom-foolery! It was more of a group chalet as only Kang Rui, Ching Ting, Philana, Jung, Jun How and me

What They Did

Sunday, November 12, 2006
Sabre lessons
There's nothing more annoying than sleeping at 3am, expecting to get a wholesome and well-deserved rest of about 8 hours, but instead getting roused by the strains of the Great Singapore Workout because your condo is conducting some mass exercise day. I'm cool with people getting exercise really, however it does not warrant a wake-up/morning call for the ENTIRE estate. Not like one day of exercise will cut down the obesity rate of Windermere anyway :P.
Cut to sabre lesson later at Juliana's salle. Ate cold lasagne and warm brownies! Did distancing and use the whole piste drills, which I hope I am starting to get a hang of. Fenced pools with my fellow sabreurs. Darren would have pwned everyone but he wasn't there so phew! Fenced Direct Elimination and wrangled wins for all my bouts although the one with Audrey was rather close. Would have had a smaller winning margin for Harold's bout if he had not attempted the newly taught moves that often. Still need to keep on working on disengage, distancing, acceleration and I hope I can muster the willpower to practice them everyday should the weather and my schedule permit.
Cut to sabre lesson later at Juliana's salle. Ate cold lasagne and warm brownies! Did distancing and use the whole piste drills, which I hope I am starting to get a hang of. Fenced pools with my fellow sabreurs. Darren would have pwned everyone but he wasn't there so phew! Fenced Direct Elimination and wrangled wins for all my bouts although the one with Audrey was rather close. Would have had a smaller winning margin for Harold's bout if he had not attempted the newly taught moves that often. Still need to keep on working on disengage, distancing, acceleration and I hope I can muster the willpower to practice them everyday should the weather and my schedule permit.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
They say blood is thicker than water. I spit on that. I hate her, honestly I do. I don't think I've loathed anyone so much in my entire life. My family is not happy. She makes it worse. I wish on her things I've never wished on others. I wish she was just dead. I hope I'm saying this in a paroxysm of emotional turmoil. Happy families are or is a card game. In reality, they just don't bloody exist.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
The Unalloyed Disaster
What you see up there, is an apt and succinct description of my ACTUAL PW Q and A. The presentation was fine I suppose; I didn't stumble or speak too fast and the audience seemed to be engaged. I mean, not like they could be up to any hanky panky right under the noses of the judges. I just hope the judges were looking my way when I was looking theirs, instead of the script. Its an utter shame none of the questions we painstakingly combed the report for and anticipated were asked. Murphy's law at its finest there. The judges clearly didn't take a shine to our project; our solutions were branded as naive and not addressing the crux of the issue. I think I mangled my question.
Q: How would you reconcile the fact that adolescents are likely to create a disturbance if they are attracted to parks and older people go to parks to relax and enjoy the serenity?
A: I think it is a generalisation to say that adolescents necessarily disrupt the peace and serenity... (downhill from then on)
The other group's members said I sounded confrontational and almost dismissive of the judge's opinion. BAAAADDDD. Towards the end of my answer, I began repeating my phrases and "yeahs" and "ums" started to flavor my sentences. I was rather thankful when the judge told me I could stop talking. My classmates said I bordered on the hysterical throughout the course of the presentation, smiling brightly and smothering oh-no-we're doomed giggles.
Went to enjoy MacDonald's breakfast meal with groupmates and classmates after we handed up our file. Submerged my 1 and a half pancakes in hot syrup to take away the bitterness of PW Q and A. I hope I don't die of diabetes in future.
For the rest of the day, it was SLEEP, then fencing training. Fencing as always, was fun.
Q: How would you reconcile the fact that adolescents are likely to create a disturbance if they are attracted to parks and older people go to parks to relax and enjoy the serenity?
A: I think it is a generalisation to say that adolescents necessarily disrupt the peace and serenity... (downhill from then on)
The other group's members said I sounded confrontational and almost dismissive of the judge's opinion. BAAAADDDD. Towards the end of my answer, I began repeating my phrases and "yeahs" and "ums" started to flavor my sentences. I was rather thankful when the judge told me I could stop talking. My classmates said I bordered on the hysterical throughout the course of the presentation, smiling brightly and smothering oh-no-we're doomed giggles.
Went to enjoy MacDonald's breakfast meal with groupmates and classmates after we handed up our file. Submerged my 1 and a half pancakes in hot syrup to take away the bitterness of PW Q and A. I hope I don't die of diabetes in future.
For the rest of the day, it was SLEEP, then fencing training. Fencing as always, was fun.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Sabre Intensive Lesson 1
Only person from RJC till JX came but anyway he's assistant coach -_-. Did the usual warm up and lunge drills but in a deviation from the normal, we didn't do footwork exercises but bladework instead. We did drills to help us judge our hitting distance and it was through such drills I found my lunging was haywire in many ways: speed, order of movement and timing. David then explained to us the key to winning simultanni, which was taking 2 slow and small steps to access the opponent's reaction, before reacting to it. Practiced that drill with Harold, a brand new sabreur, and then decided I needed a LOT more drills before I get the hang of it. While I managed to garner the points sometimes, it was probably because he was slow in his extending his arm, rather than me employing the strategy. Fenced Sivi and clinched a win with a score of 15-12. Must have been rather lucky considering I am worse in her in all aspects. Fenced David and predictably lost even though he was fencing like a novice. Was thankful he was trying to show me the different possible scenarios that could ensue in a bout. My reaction was probably less than up to par..:(. Think I better religiously do lunge drills, footwork and bladework before the next lesson on Sunday.
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Lunch at Mad Jack's
After a disastrous Chem SPA I will not go into further detail about, I went to Mad Jack's at Bukit Timah with Nava, the Siaus, Ash and Puva for a well-deserved lunch. We dallied at J8 for a while as people went off to buy bread, visit the loo, enjoy the aircon so I was rather hungry by the time we reached the place. Ash's and mine inital order of baked rice was rejected as they didn't have any more :(. Pity. Have never tried baked rice ever before. Mistakenly ordered a bottle of mineral water as I didn't see the difference between the aforementioned and plain water. We shared a plate of fish and chips that was worth the $6.90 as the fish portions were quite big and defintely crispy and succulent. The fries were just fries. I drenched the entire dish in tartar sauce which we then eagerly attacked. Even the salad, stuff I don't normally consume because I hate vegetables was much more edible then usual. Ash and I were certainly messy eaters as the plate was strewn with food remnants and dollops of tartar sauce.
We split up after the meal; the Siaus to collect their specs, me to home and the rest to Jurong Point for yet another makan excursion =P.
We split up after the meal; the Siaus to collect their specs, me to home and the rest to Jurong Point for yet another makan excursion =P.
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