Started to feel a nagging sense of anxiety as we gathered at the piste to fence one of the SJC teams. Me, Noelle and Charmaine (the motley crew save for Noelle) was RJ's response to the challenge of U-17 teams. I was the first up and got 3-0, before losing 5-3. Not exactly a brilliant start but it was much better than what I had expected. David's strategy (attempt several simultannis before doing a feint, jump back and attack) worked MIRACLES on the SJC team. The cheering and support of the other SJC team (composed of Kimberly, Sivi, Charmaine and Kai Lin) must have helped a great deal too. Points were mostly lost by me and Charmaine, but thankfully the gap wasn't too large and Noelle saved the day by catching up 36-40 to 38-45! Still, it was a fairly good try considering me and Charmaine have 4 months and 2 months of experience respectively and they had approximately 3 years.
Which meant that we were now to fence RGS. If

Sat at the bench area with Charmaine brooding about my errors which could have cost us the match. The sweetdough with extra sugar that Charmaine (SJC) made did make me feel slightly better though. Food therapy :)! It's so heartening to see people that you aren't close to or barely know cheering away for you. A BIG thank you goes out to the SJC girls (and Alvin and Terence too) for everything they have done for us! No thank you for sabre guys, its your duty... :P
After a 10 minutes break, headed to the piste to fence for 3rd and 4th. Me and Charmaine made a little pact to fight our best and win bronze and not let Noelle down. With the

Chilled out for a bit at the bench area and spoke to David and Juliana about how we did. Seems that we all did rather nice today; guess sparring and footwork drills, boring as they may be, have paid off =). If only (yes that phrase again), it was a repeat of my indiv performance... Cleaned and polished my rusty blade and ended up spilling lots of oil on it. Watched the 2 women's epee teams fencing; on one piste they were getting trounced, on the other, victo

Stayed till 5 plus with Charmaine and collected our trophies (bright and shiny!). Apparently they mispelled women's sabre indiv as women's SABRA. What a malfunction... Decided to give our extra trophy (they have 4, in case there's a reserve), to David our wonderfully supportive coach! Didn't see the point in giving it to the school, after all they throw away the trophies, according to Balpreet, every few years or so. Left for home, with a spring in my gait (the elation persists). Think I won't be able to focus on Econs now...shucks... =(
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