After 3 hours of mugging Chem, my good old pa drove me to East Coast Park. Darren had planned a surprise party for Reuben on the pretext of going cycling with him. At Macs, I chanced upon a group of CAPpers when Ben Soh came over to speak to me, but I did not join them as I wasn't too chummy with them. Waited for a bit when I met Kenny, Mickie and Ryan D. I chatted with Mickie to pass the time and befor we knew it, an hour and a half had past. Kalps and Sarah came over then, and we headed to the underpass to surprise Reuben, who

would be supposedly appearing in 10 minutes. Some of them stuck candles to the cake while we...waited some more. 30 minutes later, Reuben and Darren arrived and we sang the birthday song to the melodious strains of Ryan's guitar. Reub seemed genuinely a

stonished (at least to me since he's quite a good actor)and touched as well. Look's like he truly believed Darren's ludicrous story about being captured on Gotcha. No idea he could be that gullible =)! We walked to Macs and splayed out our chips and chocolates and goodies on the table for consumption. Reub broke his birthday pie and distributed it to all of us. He was chewing on it when he suddenly said he tasted wax. But as Darren puts it "Ignorance IS bliss!" =). Chng popped by and gave

Reuben a tiny pair of shoes (small feet), in reciprocation for Reub and Darren's birthday gift to him (a big doormate in the shape of feet) Spent the rest of the evening bantering about anything and everything. Darren and Ryan D provided entertainment in the form of guitar music. Both of them sang and strummed to the close scrutiny of our eyes. Liked Darren's singing of Rent, despite not knowing how the song sounds. Perhaps I'll pick up strumming...someday =P. Towards 9, people were beginning to leave in dribs and drabs and we all vacated Macs at about 9.45. Kenny's brother, Justin, kindly drove Kalps, Chng and me to Bedok MRT. It probably took 20 minutes off travelling time and saved 55 cents on my ezlink card. Trained and chatt

ed with Kalps till she got off at City Hall.
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