Thursday, August 31, 2006

Teacher's Day Celebrations

It was raining so I took bus to RJ for the first time. Teacher's Day Celebrations started off with three teachers and one instructor gyrating and grooving to salsa and hip hop music. The instructor encouraged us to follow suit but since my class was at the back, I could not really see much except for the bobbing of heads. Decided to scribble my well-wishes furiously on the many waiting cards of the teachers. Soon, a swathe of space was cut through the hall where several councillors and teachers were dancing in the center. Mr Chan and Mr Lee were DANCING like OMG!!! Mr Chan looked so hilarious and his face was red after the entire thing. Mr Lee wasn't too bad...not a psychomotor moron like me =P. Next up, was an exaggerated albeit rather hilarious video showing the importance of teachers. There was some PE teacher appearing stylishly on his Harley Davidson to help Cheryl Tay with her pushups using only one finger, a math teacher helping the clueless Reub with a looonnng and complex problem and the punchline, a teacher saving the hapless Isaac from an almost imminent car crash. Then, there was a magic show by a J1 student. The guy was pretty good, he could made some paperball like thing levitate up and around, pull cards out of his mouth and the standard make stuff disappear. Balpreet was emceeing the next item and she was a relatively engaging emcee even though the item itself was boring. It was the awards to be given out to the deserving teachers segment. I didn't know most of the "winners" so I shut down for a while. The last bit was a skit-musical. From a bunch of school girls getting short shrift from a teacher over their attire, it shifted to the new GP rep having a crush on the new teacher, Mr Lee. Hmm.. sounds kinda familiar... She burst into song about liking him which was followed by him singing as well. Mr Lee really is made for theater: magnetic stage presence, clear and good singing voice, decent enough psychomotor skills. We gave our many presents to the thankful teachers; Mr Lee had a whole bag full of presents! Inspires you to be a teacher too, doesnt it :P?
Went back to RGS with CT to find Ms Lim, my Sec 4 form teacher, but she wasn't in so we wrote our names on the present and left it in her locker. Wanted to sample some of the RGS food but all the stalls save for the snack stall was closed. What next but to head home and sleep?

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