I was the earliest to come and waited for almost an hour before the next person, Bernice came. Good thing I had a paperback thriller to accompany me or I would certainly have died of boredom. The farewell was already beginning to seem like a Chinese wedding dinner, very tardy arrivals and the food served very late. Lol.
Half of the J1 exco and some foilists were assembled by 2 and the J2s had returned from their arcade gallivanting. Since the turn out was so few, with many of the unknown people reneging on their promises to come, we skipped the outdoor games segment and headed to the pool plac

e for several games. Am really rusty from months worth of lack of practice; could hardly hit any balls into the proper holes. But not many were people, J2s even, appeared to have much experience playing pool so I managed to win 2 games =P.
We went to 7-11 next to procure our bbq supplies and more food before heading to Pit 33, which was a 15 minute stroll away from Area C. Everyone stoned for a bit and the JC 2 guys threw my boomerang around for fun. It didn't actually fly straight back into my waiting hands but I blame it on the weather conditions, spatial constraints and lack of strength on my part.
Next, most of us went cycling while some of the foil guys played touch rugby.

We cycled a long, long way at a slow, slow speed that was certainly not enough to burn rubber and stopped at Bedok Jetty because Balpreet and Joanna, who were slower to start had yet to catch up. Funnily enough, we failed to meet them along the biking track as at the same moment, we took different paths in a fork and went past each other. Lol. Back at the pit, Darren and some others had arrived and were engaging in a game of touch rugby. Despite the 1 hour plus we had left to ride our bikes, we returned them an hour earlier.
As the cloak of the evening descended upon the beach, we got the fire going and prepared the food. Balpreet was dashing charcoal to little bits on the floor and we were all trying to duck from the flying bits of shrapnel O_O. Jun Hao's mum brought along bee hoon and curry which served as sumptuous additions to the cooked meat. Faii's mum called and Joanna decided to p

lay a prank, claiming she was Faii's gf. Guess who got short shrift after that =P. Darren taught me how to skewer the chickens, but I was a hopelessly inept pupil and mangled my sole skewered chicken. The food was delicious and I gorged on the many sticks of satay and chicken. The burnt marshmallows were pretty decent too, in a carcinogenic kind of way. Better start counting those calories =P. Sophie,JX and the J2s came to join in the fun somewhere in between. Darren, inspired by Joanna's trickery, duped Balpreet into believing he had thrown her camera into the bin by mistake. She chased him around and round the pit but there's no way you can outrun an ex-rugger =P. The J2s were drinking some alcoholic beverages and playing cards while the J1s cooked and

bantered idly. It's hilarious listening to the irreverent jokes of Jing Xun, experiences of Darren and crazy antics of Balpreet. The slightly tipsy J2s almost tried to dump one of their own into the trash bin but stopped when the guy struggled so violently till they almost lost hold of him. JX, Alvin and another J2 got further inspired by Darren and attempted to bluff me into thinking they had lost my boomerang. I didn't believe it for one second =P.
We ended the night with a session of phototaking and clearing up of the unsightly and oily mess of strewn paper plates and bones. Thanks to the Indian guy for helping us despite the racist comments we were making about you. And bigger thanks to Jun Hao for co-ordinating all this; it w

asn't easy and the turnout might not have been as large as we hoped, but everyone who came had a swell time and that was wonderful!
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