As a brilliant close to an immensely tiring week, I thoroughly enjoyed today's sabre outing XD! Initially, there was only Char and me. We thought of going shopping but decided to play pool with David at 101 Building instead. We got pwned for three games X_X; it seems David's pro-ness extends beyond fencing and handball. Darren and Reub arrived later and avenged us, beating David twice in a row (close call though!) Had a girl VS guys game which we got pwned for but I finally won the last game cus Darren was in my team ^_^! As we were heading over to Carl's Junior for dinner, David regaled us with tales of Yan Loong's legendary blurness. Over dinner, I made a major blooper when I forgot to add ice and sugar syrup to "Iced Tea". On hindsight, the name said it all :S. Joanna came over halfway and had a really funny 5-way conversation after David left to watch Fracture. Left for the arcade since some of us were too broke for a movie. It wan't too long before the dazzling screens sent Darren and Reub into a slack-jawed stupor; they hardly realised we had all gone to the toilet. While they played Time Crisis, the we chose to play "Lost in the Jungle". It goes like this: a young couple encounters monsters during a holiday presumably in some SEA jungle and the only way to survive is to kill the rampaging critters! Not very violent except that maybe it promotes animal abuse =P. I got pwned at the first boss, a giant spider. Darren and Reub were poking fun at everything...from the spastic storyline - "Shoot dem! Shoot dem!", to our horrendous aiming. Passed by a family which won 5 stuff toys from a particular game station (sounds super pro right?)...after spending 50 dollars that is. Around 10, we headed to the MRT and while waiting for the train, Darren, Reub and Joanna did a little skit of the terrorist in the MRT scenario, starring Darren as the very suspicious and conveniently hooded individual, and Reub and Joanna as the uncommonly civic minded Singaporeans. I think we actually amused some of the bystanders. Had Joanna for company on the journey back which made the trip feel a lot shorter =).
Played about 4 games of Carcassonne with Eugene at the games room from about 11 to 1. Never been into board games but I have to admit, Carcassonne spurred my interest. It's a refreshing change from card games like bridge and computer games. I beat Eugene twice XD despite not really understanding all of the game but I guess it was beginner's luck because I lost the rest. Carcassonne was a whopping 42 bucks according to Eug O_O! Still don't see how a board game could be worth that much, even if it was the best board game of 2001 or something like that. Hmm..maybe I should go get a board game to entertain visitors and friends too.
A is for Atrocious B is for Bad C is for Cannot Make it D is for Dreadful E is for Excellent S is for Superb U is for Unparallelled
Then getting an S E E S for CTs would be a lot more palatable -_-. Cannot wait for the coming GP results which will hopefully be a sweetener after the many bitter pills. Until then...
OK I must admit the preparation for Night Walk was kind of screwed updue to lack of foresight on my part and unforeseen circumstances. We almost changed the route as a function that ended only at 11 was occuring and some of the lights that lined the routes weren't off. I went up to the 5th floor locker area with Balps to hang paper dolls and it was most frustrating since progress was slow - the dolls kept dropping plus my poor scotch-taping skills. Made some minor modifications to the plan so we could proceed with making fake blood. Denise and me made an utter mess of the handicapped toilet (good thing its hardly used), spilling floor and red food coloring on the floor. Worse to come, our "blood" was near indistiguishable from bandung! Later on, we figured the color wouldn't matter since the LT 2 toilets would be shrouded in semi-darkness, illuminated only by candles. Both of us went down to smear words and occult signs on the mirrors. A J1 walked in on us to my great annoyance but it was truly an accident :S. Denise went back to our scare point, a classroom strewn with table and chairs while I lit the candles. Meanwhile, Charmaine was applying freaky clown and Oriental ghost makeup on our ghosts. The pictures will tell you just how brilliantly spooky they were for a last minute job! David and Wing chose to join in the fun and donned hideous leather masks. The Night Walk was planned to have a mix of atmospheric and full frontal scares. There were people leaping out from cubicles, chasing J1s along the route, weird sounds in dark classrooms, a remote car moving by itself, sudden thuds and booms, strange priests giving out lucky amulets. I think the Night Walk had a very good success rate; the girls were screaming continously and even some guys were freaked out! The reactions of J1's ranged from the expected (screaming and running) to the out-of-ordinary (spraying water at spooks) to the mildly violent (jabbing a ghost in the mouth). Zhenggang's reaction was by far the funniest; cowering on the floor whimpering "Go away! Go away!" while hitting the ghost with a slipper. My station didn't get any screams probably since it was more eerie than scary. The waiting period from one person to the next was nigh interminable. Was rather irritated with J1's who turned on the lights or went in with a flashlight. Unless you have night blindness, there's no reason to do so. Denise told me about a J1 guy who lingered in the classroom to see how long she could hold the noise for. She gave up in a bit and when the guy was on the verge of leaving, boomed "GET OUT!" in a sonorous voice, scaring him into a run! Way to Go Dee! I couldn't stay for all of Night Walk although I would have LOVED to. Had to fence in Nat Trials the day after. Would like to give a Big THANK YOU to all those involved in Night Walk, especially Charmaine, Dee, Darren and the spooks. Cliche as it may sound, Night Walk wouldn't have been possible without all of you guys!
Balpreet as the kinky ghost. Slanted so tilt your head to watch!
Awoke to see the J1s doing PT on empty stomachs. Didn't see anyone keeling over on the track though so it must be a good sign =P. Ran out of food for J1 breakfast and we ended up having to buy our own breakfast. As Alvin and me waited for the groups to arrive, we read the papers. Both of us chose that station because we didn't need to set up ^_^. Helped Jia Hua and Emmy out with their station, which involved suspending grapes on a string for the J1s to jump up and bite them off. Won't go into too much detail here, the videos of their games and subsequent forfeits should be pretty self-explanatory. Disclaimer: Not responsible for any embarassment suffered by guest stars. Our station completed, I wandered aimlessly from station to station, participating whenever I felt like it. Got to know some J1s better through "Whacko" and "Dog and Bone". Lunch was fun! We played games involving forfeits of the most malu-ing kind. Like doing a William Hung on the canteen table. After lunch, we played "March of the Penguins" at the amphitheater. Standing on chairs, the J1's had to form a line of chairs to a table by passing it from the first person to the last and back again. We seniors had the occupational priviledge of stopping them for forfeits whenever we saw fit. If we felt mean, we would just grab a chair. Next up was captain's ball and the different groups faced off. Participated in the Junior-Senior match and scored a couple of goals though the eventual score was 6-6 (EVERYONE'S A WINNER!). David sort of wanted to treat the sabreurs to 300. Sweet of him really but it fell through in the end. Chit-chatted with some of the J2s till about 6-ish before going to set up for the eagerly awaited...Night Walk....
This is going to be a really long post and I shall reserve a post SPECIALLY for Night Walk, which IMO was the BEST part of the camp (cus Darren and me were in charge of it XD...kidding!) And oh yes, there will be videos of J1s acting silly too. Now let's rewind back to Day 1...
Sat around the canteen with Faii and Denise guarding the food while the Group leaders were socialising with their allocated J1s. Our food was loaded with three kinds of vegetables because of Faii's command of Chinese - "san dao cai" -_-. Was interrupted during dinner to set up for War Games, which involved capturing as many bases within the time span and pulling off tails to win. My area had long periods of inactivity but when the Teams came to capture a base simultaneously, the skirmishes and scuffles were highly exciting, albeit dangerous. People were squirming on the floor and cornering each other in desperate bids to capture and protect their tails. At 9.45, we launched a surprise attack and the seniors rushed around pulling as many tails of J1s as they could. Naturally, they couldn't fight back and their terror at being chased and cornered was palpable XD! Almost everyone did some Raffles Cheers at the A-B bridge (I missed it >_<) then it was time to wash up. Zi Shan and Jerlyn were nice and stayed with me in the toilet while the frightened me showered. Did sentry duty outside the J1 girls sleeping area with Jin Han and we had a pretty engaging chat. It's interesting because sentry duty gives you an opportunity to interact with people you wouldn't normally talk to on a normal basis. Following that, BEDTIME!
I don't think I'll ever understand the mosaic that is me, but I have all my life to do it. And even if I can't, I want to live well. It may not be real, it may not even exist... But its as real
as it can get