Awoke to see the J1s doing PT on empty stomachs. Didn't see anyone keeling over on the track though so it must be a good sign =P. Ran out of food for J1 breakfast and we ended up having to buy our own breakfast. As Alvin and me waited for the groups to arrive, we read the papers. Both of us chose that station because we didn't need to se
t up ^_^. Helped Jia Hua and Emmy out with their station, which involved suspending grapes on a string for the J1s to jump up and bite them off. Won't go into too much detail here, the videos of their games and subsequent forfeits should be pretty self-explanatory. Disclaimer: Not responsible for any embarassment suffered by guest stars. Our station completed, I wandered aimlessly from station to station, participating whenever I felt like it. Got to know some J1s better through "Whacko" and "Dog and Bone". Lunch was fun! We played games involving forfeits of the most malu-ing kind. Like doing a William Hung on the canteen table. After lunch, we played "March of the Penguins" at the amphitheater. Standing on chairs, the J1's had to form a line of chairs to a table by passing it from the first person to the last and back again. We seniors had the occupational priviledge of stopping them for forfeits whenever we saw fit. If we felt mean, we would just grab a chair. Next up was captain's ball and the different groups faced off. Participated in the Junior-Senior match and scored a couple of goals though the eventual score was 6-6 (EVERYONE'S A WINNER!). David sort of wanted to treat the sabreurs to 300. Sweet of him really but it fell through in the end. Chit-chatted with some of the J2s till about 6-ish before going to set up for the eagerly awaited...Night Walk....
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