Had Joanna along with me for company on the train journey to Kembangan. Initially, we were rather afraid at the propsect of being late but when we arrived, we realised we (Char, Sanda, Joanna and me) were the only J2 girls to come. Not even the whole exco ca
me =(. The guys were playing rugby so I chose to go skating alone and bladed for 10 minutes at a relatively fast pace to the BBQ pit. Why couldn't they have chosen a closer location??? Btw Darren, I still can't believe you thought the design on my rasorback was a tatoo. LOL. Met Huimin who had been waiting there for an hour and she
proceeded to walk to the field to rejoin the main group. Skated back to the rest and they were play captain's ball for a bit and when they decided to go off, guess who came but Huimin. Oh life and its little ironies... When we reached the pit, we had a cam-whoring session by the beach. Unfortunately most of the photos are way too unglam to merit posting =(. Have not yet perfected the art of doing jump shots. Waited for the food to be prepared and skated to the 7-11 to help the J1s get the drinks over to the BBQ pit. The food was ready not long after, and had a feast of chicken wings, sting ray, sausages over humourous conversation, courtesy of Darren and Jingxun. Tried to get some people to go skating but since they dilly-dallied, by the time we reached there, there was an overnight charge. Darren didn't bring his blades cus his mum sunned them and the wheels cracked O_O. Skated back to tell the rest to get ready for Darren's suprise birthday celebration and Jun Hao and Jin Han provided a rather demonstration on how the act should be perfomed. A youtube moment but my camera was too far away. I led Darren to a coconut tree (no, not Bollywood movie) and shyly, attempted to delude him into thinking I had a major crush on him. I ran out of steam
pretty fast and tried to prolong my speech with ums and pregnant pauses, relying on the signal for them to start singing the birthday song several times. In the end, I gave up and yelled at them to hurry up, thereby blowing the surprise. We both looked back and with amused horror, saw someone holding a large piece of cardboard aflame (Reub couldn't light the candle so...-_-). Sang him the Happy Birthday song and presented him his UBER-cute porcupine CD holder
present. He was very appreciative of our efforts. The J2s trouped over to a patch of grass where the J1s wrote the
words "THANK YOU J2! " I was really touched by the effort put in. We made our wishes before clearing up the candles and then began a caking and tickling mess. I caked Yan Loong, who didn't even realise until I told him (My face smells sweet?!) Darren caked me and I threw a ketupat at him but missed. Reuben caked Joanna and she ran after him, dropping all the collected candles in the process. Yuanzi, Zhenggang and virtually everyone else played poke-the-angry-ogre with Melissa. Tickling sends her flying up in the air, shrieking and arms flailing, Extremely hilarious how she does elicits the same reaction again and again. People were starting to go off in dribs and drabs and Joanna, Char and me shared a cab home.

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