Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My fervor for blogging about every single outing I have attended has long dwindled into cinders. They are more significant, more meaningful when the intimate details of them are not dutifully and precisely recorded, much like the script of a movie. And there is a certain joy coupled with a touch of wistfulness, in recalling snatches of conversation, the many achingly brief moments of levity, that although are not as alive as before, remain humorous yet. Chronicling of the events renders the mind complacent; what need is there to remember when the happenings are safely tucked away, retrieved with a mere click of the mouse.
Thank God for all those incandescent moments of bonhomie, of good-natured (for most part) teasing and jibes, of deep soul-stirring conversations and of companionable silences and glances shared and traded. I love you all.


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