Thursday, October 23, 2008


2 weeks from now and the "A" levels commence again. It's almost surreal that something mythic in its significance has come and gone and to this date, close to a year since its passing. Eventually I suppose, I will have to sift through the dim recollections of the before, real or made-up and perhaps discover, nothing more to it than a word. This just adds to the plethora of "words" which make up my life. It hit me recently; the realisation that my blogging has disappeared into nigh oblivion despite the many interesting (at least I egoistically think they are) happenings in my life. Attempts to dissect this phenomenon have been largely futile and all I can say is that blogging just slipped out of my life or the other way round. Still, I should take a trip down memory lane now and then and bask in all those moments, good, bad and ugly, waking myself up in time to see the beauty of the now. The fantastic fringe benefit of having more brain space to memorise the Valence-Bond Molecular Orbital Theories or L' Hopital's Rule is also greatly appreciated.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

understanding is a precious thing and i guess it doesn't come to people often or has to be accquired from previous experiences. still, couldn't you at least pretend? ahhh...this is probably the depression speaking...

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


It just got me thinking how sometimes feels like a seemingly endless chain of events to stave off boredom.