Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My fervor for blogging about every single outing I have attended has long dwindled into cinders. They are more significant, more meaningful when the intimate details of them are not dutifully and precisely recorded, much like the script of a movie. And there is a certain joy coupled with a touch of wistfulness, in recalling snatches of conversation, the many achingly brief moments of levity, that although are not as alive as before, remain humorous yet. Chronicling of the events renders the mind complacent; what need is there to remember when the happenings are safely tucked away, retrieved with a mere click of the mouse.
Thank God for all those incandescent moments of bonhomie, of good-natured (for most part) teasing and jibes, of deep soul-stirring conversations and of companionable silences and glances shared and traded. I love you all.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

There is an elusive quality in beautiful writing, (such a paltry word to describe it and a limitation in itself, yet it does give some notion of what I mean), that ineluctably draws the eyes to savor it once again, that pauses the reader to dwell in the sheer vastness of what has been said and not said, that insinuates itself into the recesses of the mind to remain, indelible. Man Booker Prize winners, more often than not boast of such writing I speak of above, and tend to touch on complex themes: the human condition and the rest of the ilk. It is with a twinge of jealousy as I delight in the mastery of these word weavers, prize-winning or no, who transport me into their realm, in which everything is more tangible because it did not happen, but might have.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

I'm not all that a determined person. Yesterday, I decided to throw caution to the winds and give up on studying. Not so much letting go of an exercise in futility (basically it means anything you don't get results for, which makes a lot of things) than a temporary banishment of the wretched books. Let the dice of fate, destiny and whatever powers that be govern our puny human lives play it out. Resigning to fate as they put it. And not for the first time, it occurred to me (not your usual blinding realisation, more of the slow, dawning kind that creeps up upon you) that this was but one of the numerous struggles I would have to face in the twisty, tiresome and best of all, uncertain path to Honours. So this act of giving up now could exact a barrage of repercussions on my studies; just when you thought the uphill struggle couldn't get any worse, a rockfall stares you in the face. 1 to Murphy's Law and 0 to you.
What can I do but to grin and bear it, I've made my bed and so must lie in it. Macbeth had the right mindset, even if it stemmed from the inappropriate source, resolute in his wrongdoings to the last. I can at least admire him for that. Doggedly do I forge on for I am in books. Stepped in so far, that, should I wade no more, returning were as tedious as go over.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Mock Trial

Can't ever seem to blog punctually these days, and the delay chips away at the memories and motivation to even get it down here. Alright, Mock Trial! Guess it went pretty well despite the few hiccups (when I was totally baffled by Charmaine's questions), all the more so for her. The lecturer said Charmaine had the best Cross-Examination she had come across so far and I reveled vicariously in that compliment XD. I was relatively impressed with the air of composure and mien of steadfastness Charmaine and the defence lawyer exuded, never mind the occasional chinks under the relentless and piercing questions of the lecturer. Being a witness is incredibly fun; making up lies spontaneously and spouting untruths without any fear of censure adds to it! Perhaps I would make a good lawyer too! (Charmaine would certainly beg to differ on the implications of the two above statements)

Monday, October 26, 2009


Well wishes and the expectation of a surprise, which I staved away, rendering the surprise even more palpable. Buffet at Crystal Jade and an iPod and great company of Charmaine, Jo and Kevin Dear. Thanks everyone for the wonderful day =)


This is a belated post and I don't usually bother with belated posts but I had so much fun I think I will make a concession this time. A swirling mass of humanity with that red t-shirt that equalises them all was what greeted the serious runners. Thanks to Nick setting the pace, and Daniel for moral support, I manage to clock an 1 hour and 10 mins =). Not bad for only 4 training sessions XD. We started off as a group initially but as fatigue and self-preservation set in, members began to drop like flies. FInishing the race made all of us so euphoric, a series of jump and candid shots were in order! Lunch at KFC and window shopping with guys, an experience I still find rather eye-opening, ended the lovely outing and prelude to my birthday.

Friday, October 23, 2009

nothing like approval from the teachers to make my day. almost sad how dependent my esteem is on the validation of others.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Praise the Lord! Looks like third time's the charm =). I am now licensed to become or cause roadkill XD!

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

A little piece of heaven

I must take back my misconception of Singapore being a boring place with hardly any scenery. Not that a man-made dam and a reservoir count, but I guess I need to make a concession XD. The sight at Yishun Dam as the "serious runners" strolled the stretch of it during twilight gave me a peculiar sense of peace and rightness with the world. It was quiet and the dying rays of the sun lent the place a sense of serenity. Already, the first smudges of night were beginning to grace the sky and I felt giddy and reckless, as though I could say anything and get away of it.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Norwegian Wood

I like this the best of all. Most of Murakami's books have this themes of alienation, loneliness and insecurity, set in a realities where a man can converse with cats and another goes around clad in sheep-skin. Whimisical it may sound and it often is, yet there are passages in each book which give me a feeling of deja vu as I savour them. Somewhat akin to trying to remember a distant memory; an image flickers into your mind and as you grasp it, it dissolves and leaves you puzzled, uncertain if you even recalled it at all. Much like pondering an utterance without any forethought. I like how Norwegian Wood express the doubts and insecurities in myself I could not quite articulate; the struggles and thoughts of the characters, while not wholely in alignment with mine, strike a chord as there are familiar fragments I can empathise with. There lies a small measure of solace in knowing that I am not the only partaker of fatalistic thoughts, insecurities and doubts.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

the human condition

Loads of people, I should like to think, are nice when they're in one of their colorless moods. Yet, the true test of mettle, and the one I've probably flunked miserably, is being nice when you feel nothing more than throttling the person next to you. And before I make a blog post considering Haruki Murakami, I think I shall give him another chance. Do your worse Norwegian Wood!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


At the age of just before 20, I have discovered the pleasures of Rock in the form of my Muse. (It takes a fellow rock dilettante to see the pun in there) The moral of the story must be you're never too late to rock! Angsty, brassy and head-ache inducing when played at a certain number of decibels is what I revel in right now. But as the world has taught you by now, all that is good does not last, not that it helps that the human attention span is so mercifully short, and in time to come, another Muse shall find me. Maybe in the form of Chinese Opera O_o.

On a side note, I find it funny how the SEP co-ordinator says "It is alright if I advised you to stay here in NUS and pull up your CAP?" Phrasing it in such a round-about way doesn't detract from the No. I can handle the truth I think, but maybe not the embarassment. In short, it always helps to expect the worse.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The price of getting what you want is getting what you wanted - Neil Gaiman

I love it when a quote can capture so aptly a situation that you're in, delineating its parameters and context for you. The Eureka Moment dawns upon you like falling rain on the oval of a face as you realise the realisation; 2 + 2 = 4 makes perfect sense as you somehow felt it always did. And you luxuriate in the communal comfort of knowing that someone out there, was, is and will be in the same predicament as you were.

Monday, September 14, 2009

and because i am chasing a dream, i tell myself yes it is alright to be sellfish

Saturday, September 05, 2009

I'm falling into the reassuring rhythm of school, tuition, kevin, reading and fencing. There's more to it but in the way of mundane things, nothing much meriting mention. Oh, the joy of wallowing in self-imposed contentment.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Why do I have admiration, tempered with a tinge of envy, those who can articulate their feelings with lucidity on an issue, any issue? For my copious vocabulary bank, do correct me if you think I have overstated my status, remains adumbrated by a quiescent mind. One that accepts things happening all around as they are until they start affecting me on a personal level. Yet what is there to express if you persist unmoved and untouched? There is not such much an abeyance of emotion rather than an absence of it. That is, mayhap the key to an open mind.

Monday, August 10, 2009

The best meet-ups are when the people have not met in a long, long while. There is much to talk about, to laugh about and the silences are all at once, comfortable and companionable because they are understandable. I can safely say I had the most fun outing in a few years on Saturday night with the RJ sabre folks. It wore on till 2 in the morning and yet I didn't want it to end. Laughter was with us throughout and awkward moments, inevitable it seems, were few.

Monday, August 03, 2009


A few amateurish shots after fiddling with my new (or not so new) toy - A 4th hand D350. I need to get /f1.8 lenses

Friday, July 31, 2009


I gave my first tuition lesson today. The pay is pittance and a painful lesson in basic maths. Remember to divide the total pay by the number of hours tutored -_-. Well, we all learn something new. The student is bashful and parsimonious with words, preferring a nod rather than the verbal yes. It's probably the unfamiliarity and I hope she'll be more bubbly in time to come. Nothing really tests your understanding of a concept more than explaining it to someone who does not understand. A small part of me has always felt doubtful whenever I attempt to explain a concept. Words in themselves do not seem sufficient enough to give an illustration. How would you explain the concept of a "red coloration" to a person blind since birth? The phrase "the wind blows" means everything and nothing at the same time. I suppose words are a concise representation of an object but perhaps to really understand what an object is, one has to experience it? Now how does one experience grammar...

Monday, July 27, 2009

What do you do when life trips you up and run circles around your head? Will you rail, scream, weep and rend your hair? Will you beat your fists against the one-way mirror? Or will you lie down and be still. For there is nothing else to do.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

As much as I feel life is stringing me along, I suppose God knows best. Time to be putting away the plans for far future and focus on the now. After all, if the now is good, the future has a higher probability of following suit.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Commencement (Of What, Really?)

On the eve of an event that barely concerns me, I wonder, perhaps is it time to set some concrete goals for my university life, academic or otherwise. Much hinges upon the Art's Faculty decision to accept me and even if I do get accepted, the bitter trace of a lingering inadequacy will haunt me for a while. I shall need to see it as exchanging substandard for something better(?). Meagre and necessary self-consolation, nevertheless. And the question of for whom do I plan and achieve my goals for. Are they truly what I want? Do I want them not for just myself but because others have had them too?

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

an ode to the lost

"Sometimes it Happens"

And sometimes it happens that you are friends and then
You are not friends,
And friendship has passed.
And whole days are lost and among them
A fountain empties itself.

And sometimes it happens that you are loved and then
You are not loved,
And love is past.
And whole days are lost and among them
A fountain empties itself into the grass.

And sometimes you want to speak to her and then
You do not want to speak,
Then the opportunity has passed.
Your dreams flare up, they suddenly vanish.

And also it happens that there is nowhere to go and then
There is somewhere to go,
Then you have bypassed.
And the years flare up and are gone,
Quicker than a minute.

So you have nothing.
You wonder if these things matter and then
As soon as you begin to wonder if these things matter
They cease to matter,
And caring is past.
And a fountain empties itself into the grass.

By Brian Patterson

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Vaguely, I want an SLR. Or at least Photoshop. Ho-hum.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Hanoi and China

Alright, finally at 1.45am, I feel impelled to blog about my trip, before the not-so-indelible memories bleed into nothingness. The exact doings and happenings of each day escape me so all you'll see is a brief description of each place, and if you're feeling lucky, some picturesque photos.

Hanoi: A veritable warren of chaotically placed roads and shabby-looking buildings for most part. It's a wonder how the locals manage to meander their way to their respective destinations given the lack of street signs and noticeable landmarks, and I say this with the discerning eye of a tourist. A horn rends the already discordant cacophony of vrooms and brakes screeching every 5 seconds (yes, I counted). Crossing the roads verge on life and death situations as throngs of scooters whiz pass with an almost reckless abandon, a hair's breadth away from me. Vietnamese buildings mirror their people in stature, tall and narrow in general, a result of the 17m by 6m as the maximum dimensions regulation.

Ha Long Bay: Stunning as the scenery was, I was inured to its beauty after a while. The caress of the bay breeze was indeed welcome, as was the honeyed warmth of the sunlight on my skin. I always did love boat rides ;). Limestone islands, topped with a dash of viridian and jutting from the sea at irregular intervals, made a great subject for photos. And it was here the ubiquity of the television hit me in full force. Going aboard a floating fishing farm deep within the islands, I was half-surprised to see the idiot box, the only visible sign of technology in the otherwise spartan room.

That's it for now.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Three years. Long enough to complete a degree. Long enough for me to realise that Chemistry is an exercise in futility, soul-destroying in the way army boys lament about. They say the process is more important than the result. A load of tosh is what I say to that maxim. All I have is wasted time and a bundle of anxiety and worries.

Monday, May 04, 2009

April was the cruelest month

Can you ever have an excess of time? Amidst the frantic mugging driven by the lust for that 5.0 cap, the clock always seems to be a step ahead right till the moment you hand in the exam script. And as the last paper disappears in the iron grasp of the invigilator's hand, the days grow long as flickering shadows in the twilight. As Einstein once famously illustrated, time is relative. This post in itself has the makings of a half-hearted attempt to stave off boredom, the insidious companion that walks hand in hand with too much time and a lack of purpose. Every long holiday I encounter; they come as often as doable exam papers, I concoct a series of novel plans to while the hours away. Every long holiday I encounter, I relapse into the comforting nest of familiarity, indulging in the repetitive pattern of reading, going on the computer and chilling with friends. Maybe this time it'll be different.

Monday, April 27, 2009


I envy a lot. Be it people with better chemistry grades or people leading more exciting lives (going to places I would love to visit, say Italy). Maybe that's why my life seems slightly colorless and lacking to me at times. I suppose the adage "the grass is greener on the other side" holds more truth than I care to admit. As long as I continue the comparisons, which can be endless and needlessly painful, I don't think I'll be happy or fufilled in any of my endeavors. Perhaps its because my benchmark depends on the performance of the rest. And even when it does not, I still can't seem to attain it. That's human nature for you, I suppose. Never quite satisfied and always seeking the Better thing. Even when they know the Best thing is to be content.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Life with a pinch of salt. I'm hungry and incoherent.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Every so often, I stop thinking, just for a little while, florence thoughts. What are florence thoughts you may ask? Well, probably thoughts of the sane or close enough for her to function with a decent level of normality in society (those who know me really well, shush). So when un-florence thoughts like missing my stop and taking the MRT all over Singapore or being deliberately being vindictive to some poor, undeserving sod, for no real reason other then to see what happens, I shuffle them out and reluctantly they go, sometimes with more than a backward glance. Maybe the denying is exactly what makes them so delicious at times. In the reccesses of the minds, we're all nastier and brewing rebellious. And as for the really nasty people, maybe they can't seperate their mind from the world.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Lerne ich Deutsche fuer zwei Monat und ich spreche ein bissen Deutsche. Ich finde die Verb Konjugation und der Gender Artikels verwirrend aber mag ich lerne Deutsche. Meine Deutsche Lehrerin is sehr gut und ich liebe ihre Vortrag. Der Vortrag ist verstaendlich und immer nicht langweilig.

I don't know enough German yet to phrase my feelings about it so I'll do this in English. After the first lesson, I came away feeling like a very intelligent parrot: knowing the phrases and saying them on cue but not knowing exactly what they meant. It got better with more lectures and a dint of self-studying. Now I can read some German passages and by looking at the keywords a.k.a words that appear in English too as well as cross-referencing back to the limited vocabulary I have, derive some meaning from it.Those who baulk at the complex grammar of English will probably pass learning German entirely. Different pronouns have different verb conjugations. Fair enough, English has that too. Throw in certain verbs that are conjugated irregular and you'll have a good time trying to remember the exceptions. Really, the key to learning a language seems to be memorising the exceptions rather than the rule. To add to the mix, words have genders, which entails different articles for them and yes, lots and lots of memorisation. I still can't fathom why a tree is male, its buds, female and its leaves, neutral. Unlike the lazy English way of "pluralising" something by adding an s, depending on the word, you can have a -en or an -e behind it. Just to name a few. Memorisation will be your best friend. Did I mention when the sentence structure changes from say, Akkusative to Dative, the gender articles are written differently too? All these gripes aside, I must say I really love learning German, the fact that there's no exam notwithstanding. I love how they can put individual words together to form long, daunting words that trip and twist your tongue like Hoechsgeschwindigkeitsbegrenzung (maximum speed limit) and Herzkreislaufwiederbelebung (C.P.R). I love how it sounds slightly guttural, almost like clearing phlegm from your throat. And I love how its close to English, which is a Germanic language, making it easier to pick up =P. I hope I achieve a sufficent proficiency if I get to go for exchange in Germany. There is much more self-studying to be done XD

Monday, March 09, 2009

Honestly, I'm incredibly tired of trying. It would be lovely to be in stasis for a long, long while. But try I do still because you can lose everything but hope.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

I saw a rainbow today. The air was redolent with petrichor and I inhaled deeply. As the playful draughts rippled my shirt and tousled my already unruly hair, I thought maybe, I could fly. Amidst angry clouds wreathed in nacreous gray, a rainbow against the yawning canvas of the sky winked at me. I couldn't remember when was the last time I had seen one or what I had felt, but the sight of this one sent such a rare feeling of ebullience coursing through me, I wanted to shout to the passerbys, obvious as it was, look a rainbow in the sky! No-one else seemed to notice it and I wondered at them as they scurried on their various ways, intent as worker bees in a hive. Perhaps they thought me a dreamer; a girl precariously perched on a trellised wall, her eyes riveted on something unseen to all but her. It did not fade away as I pictured it would. It simply disappeared; like a memory untouched for too long. My eyes shut tight, and in the darkness that swam around me, I saw again, the rainbow. Twilight drew its ephemeral cloak upon the horizon while I stood up and made my way home.