Thursday, November 22, 2007

The End of All Things

The A level examiner told us we've earned the license to scream after the end of the Bio MCQ paper. Yet, as the students flooded out through the doors, it wasn't yells of joy I heard, but rather the steady buzzing of the cross-checking of answers. There wasn't a dizzying surge of euphoria, just a disorientating but not wholly unfamiliar sense of emptiness and what-next as the coming days suddenly seem like a year. A year whose days are long. The story usually ends when the vile dragon is slain, the lost treasure found, the fair maiden rescued. Still, there is no conclusion here, not even deus ex machina for me. It's the anticipation of the end which renders the path, no matter how arduous, bearable. Which deceives travellers into seeing an oasis in a sea of sand, not a mirage. Anyhow, too much free time is not an unwanted thing and I shall not fall prey to Boredom. Finally, I can engage in those small pleasures that make me feel truly alive =).

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