Saturday, March 10, 2007

NUS Open house!

Phil, CT and me were the early birds, coming at around 9.30 thus when we were making away through the Student Activities exhibition, we were accosted every couple of steps or so. The Sheares Hall girls were particularly enthusiastic about promoting the perks of hall life; not that we didn't know about them but they certainly left us dying to stay in a Hall. One good way to avoid them is keeping eye contact with one of your NUS brochures. Alternatively, look like you want to beat someone up. Amassed lots of leaflets and freebies (waterbottle, pens, organiser...I feel like a freeloader), half of which I probably wil not use. Checked out the prerequisites for Pharmacy and Chemical Engineering; seems like I might not be able to take the latter due to my dearth of AO level physics :(. Was contemplating whether to go for NTU Open House after Phil and CT departed before deciding to visit the following year.While generally informative, I think I should have gone for this next year, after getting my A level results. Oh well, knowing how notoriously difficult it is to enter Pharmacy ought to provide me a sufficient incentive to bag those elusive 4 "As". Until next year then...

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