Friday, June 30, 2006

End of CTs

Capricious Elation, part gossamer, part cloying, tantalises... and departs...
The paper is pristine.

There is no sweeping sense of euphoria that takes me by the throat and steadfastly, refuses to let go. There is no overwhelming relief at the deluge of papers finishing at last. There is only a hollow where all these would have been, should have been... Mayhaps all these years of mugging is sapping my verve for celebration and transforming me into a jaded, weary individual...

Bio was bad, as all Common Tests go, for me at least. On the bright side, it wasn't on the Chemistry magnitude of bad. So I should be able to pass =P! Had lunch at J8 foodcourt with some of the S03Q-ers, winded up snacking on potato puffs and choc bars as usual. Took several neoprints at a nearby outlet; I don't really have a penchant for them cus I find its a waste of money. You can photo-whore all you like on digi-cam, and best of all, its free. Then again, once in a while should be fine; not my money anyway :). Went to watch Superman Returns with Shu Yi and Ching Ting. Guess it was a decent movie, but not really memorable or exciting for that matter. The sparse action scenes were spaced out too far apart and my attention was wandering by the last 20 minutes of it. Was supposed to go bowling at Marina Bay with them and the rest but was kinda worn out from it all and broke too, so I bid them farewell and left for home

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