Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Lunch at Mad Jack's

After a disastrous Chem SPA I will not go into further detail about, I went to Mad Jack's at Bukit Timah with Nava, the Siaus, Ash and Puva for a well-deserved lunch. We dallied at J8 for a while as people went off to buy bread, visit the loo, enjoy the aircon so I was rather hungry by the time we reached the place. Ash's and mine inital order of baked rice was rejected as they didn't have any more :(. Pity. Have never tried baked rice ever before. Mistakenly ordered a bottle of mineral water as I didn't see the difference between the aforementioned and plain water. We shared a plate of fish and chips that was worth the $6.90 as the fish portions were quite big and defintely crispy and succulent. The fries were just fries. I drenched the entire dish in tartar sauce which we then eagerly attacked. Even the salad, stuff I don't normally consume because I hate vegetables was much more edible then usual. Ash and I were certainly messy eaters as the plate was strewn with food remnants and dollops of tartar sauce.
We split up after the meal; the Siaus to collect their specs, me to home and the rest to Jurong Point for yet another makan excursion =P.

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