Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Interhouse Fencing

Tralalalala! I'm on cloud nine because MT IS CHAMPION FOR INTERHOUSE FENCING FOR BOTH BOYS AND GIRLS! Great job Brian, Matthew and Isaac, you guys really showed those BW ex-fencers something! And I got my fencing T-shirt, tracksuit and patch today too!
The fencing exco was in charge of holding interhouse fencing. The turnout, although much better than I had expected and signup sheets had foretold, was not enough to form a full team for some houses (There were walkovers when it came to HH and BW girls). At the start, things were relatively disorganised and last minute. Some of us hastily set up the boxes, others attempted to get the competitors prepared to fence while the rest were busy labelling the equipment. Several games later, the tempo was more or less set, with several delays due to the lack of or faulty equipment.
All the bouts were incredibly fast, most ending in less than 3 minutes. As skill and experience were precious little for many competitors, aggression, speed and a large dash of luck was crucial for scoring points. The atmosphere was saturated with tension and excitement as the fencers from each house tried their utmost to best their opponents. Raucous cheers and laughter filled the hall as the crowd egged on their respective participants. I got so carried away myself that several times I simply stood at the corner, eyes riveted on the swashbuckling action. Joanna had to remind me to keep on helping the waiting competitors to suit up so things could flow smoothly. Sabre training was carried out as per normal deeper into the hall but it wasn't very interesting, which salved my guilt at not being able to take part =P Reub Yeo and Reub Foo popped by for a moment to view the show before leaving to rehearse their Lit Week sabre bout.
My camera was out of battery =( and I couldn't take any pictures or videos... Dang, it would have been swell to put some of them up for Open house or the fencing blog. In an impromptu prize giving ceremony, Joanna (our guest of honor =P) distributed the trophies to the elated MT winners. At 6.45, the competition and training too were offically over. We had the arduous task of finding Juliana's jackets and britches from a mess (or mass) of stinking, sweaty fencing equipment. It took us about 20 minutes to get all of her equipment and ours too, distinguished from the rest. Each of us took home some of our senior's equipment to wash after putting the rest into the fencing store. I went out to watch Touch Rugyby for a bit before returnin for Joanna's Interhouse fencing debrief. Utterly drained but still buoyant from MT's double golds as I trudged to Bishan MRT alone.

MT ROCKS!!! Oh yeah... =)

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