Saturday, July 15, 2006

PW Parco Trip!

Met Kaye at Bugis MRT before going to National Library to scan the microfilms for newspaper articles that could possibly help us. A very helpful and amiable librarian assisted the clueless us with the handling of the machines. We initially intended to cover 2 years worth of Straits Times, but on seeing that one year already consisted of 40+ rolls of micro film (3/4 a cabinet), we wisely decided to shorten it to the first half of 2006.
The machines were userfriendly, but since I'm not very IT savvy person, I bungled up and the whole roll of film ended up unwinding. Thankfully Kaye saved the day, by extracting the film out and laboriously rolling it back into the reel. Scanning through the black and white of the film gave me a mild headache after a while, their jarring stark outlines indelibly etched in the slate of my mind. Soon after, Kaye noticed that the computers outside could be used to source for information too, at a rate of 3 cents per minute. All that after using the microfilm for slightly over an hour, but I reckon better late than never. The librarian helped me to check if either of us had signed up for a database account previously, and I was immensely astonished to discover I had an account since 2002. I think I must have created it out of sheer fun because I'm addressed as Mr Florenzo, an architect with a salary below $20'000.. O_o. We met Shu Zhang and went to Level 8 to look for reference books on parks and gardens. Photocopied several pages of notes and got a haul of fantasy books from the teenage section.
Next stop, Parco's fountain, to conduct interviews and shoot videos of kids frolicking in the waters. Luck was with us for we snagged 3 interviews with relative ease; a pair of security guards, woman in red and man in red. To add on, all of them gave answers that were favourable to our project (no we didn't threaten or bribe them or anything :) ). I attempted to take photographs of the man in red without his knowledge and somehow, despite my pretty poor disguising skills, he did not see realise that anything was amiss at all. Our PW had been finished for the day and we prowled Parco in search of a skirt (on my wishlist) I eventually bought one from an OP sale for $10. Must really thanks Shu Zhang and Kaye for so patiently touring Parco with me, despite their agendas and rummaging through the veritable stack of clothes to find the floral printed XS skirt I coveted :P. Do I look forward to the next PW outing!

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